Please complete the following contact information identifying the person completing this part of the Statistical Report.  This will help if questions arise in interpreting the data.  Please be sure to return this cover sheet with the questionnaire.







               Phone Number:                                                                                   


               Fax Number:                                                               


               Email Address:                                                            









If questions arise in completing this part of the questionnaire, or if you have comments on its content, please contact the author of this section:


Daniel D. Barron

College of Library and Information Science

113 Davis College

University of South Carolina

Columbia, SC 29208


Telephone:  803-777-4825

Fax:  803-777-7938









            Report information based on 1999‑2000 academic year (Fall 1999 through Summer 2000)  [NOTE:  If there is no change in the response to a particular question from the response for last year, you may simply initial next to the question number and move on to the next question.]


            Please remember to send 2 copies of your school’s current catalog or course listings with your completed questionnaires.



1.         What is the division of your academic year, and how many weeks are included in a regular term?


a.         _____semester _____quarter               _____trimester


b.         number of weeks _____



2.         How many terms are there in your summer session, and how many weeks are there in each term?


a.         number of terms _____


b.         number of weeks per term _____



3.         How many hours per week must a student be in class to earn one hour of academic credit?


a.         regular term _____ hrs.


b.         summer session _____ hrs.



4.         How many credit hours or courses (please specify) are required for each of the following programs?  If you offer more than one master’s degree, please include the title and number of hours/courses for each.


a.         undergraduate library science/services:  major _____      minor _____


b.         undergraduate information science/systems:  major _____      minor _____


c.         master’s degree(s):  (hereafter designate master's degree (1) and master's degree (2), etc.)1


(1) Title:  _______________________________  No. of Hours: ________


(2) Title:  _______________________________  No. of Hours: ________


1  If your school offers more than 2 master's degree, indicate the title and number of hours for master's degree(3), (4) … on the reverse of this sheet.


d.         joint master's degree(s)2:


(1) Title:  _______________________________  No. of Hours: ________


(2) Title:  _______________________________  No. of Hours: ________


2  If your school offers more than 2 joint master's degree, indicate the title and number of hours for joint master's degree(3), (4) … on the reverse of this sheet.


e.         post master’s degree:    __________


                        f.          doctoral:           __________



5.         Please indicate if you offer certificate programs and whether or not they are degree-related (i.e., certificate not awarded without degree being awarded at the same time).


            Name/Area of

            Certificate                                 Degree Related If yes, please state name of degree


            ____________                        ____yes ____no              ______________________


            ____________                        ____yes ____no              ______________________


            ____________                        ____yes ____no              ______________________



6.         If you offer joint degree programs, please indicate below (1) the academic unit with whom you cooperate, (2) the number of hours students must take in that unit, and (3) the number of hours in your program.


            Other unit                     Hours in other unit                    Hours in your program


            ______________        _______________                    _______________


            ______________        _______________                    _______________


7.         Does your school accept students on a part-time basis in any of the following programs?


a.         undergraduate               _____yes         _____no


b.                  master’s3

            (1)        _____yes         _____no

            (2)        _____yes         _____no


                        3  If your school offers more than 2 master's programs, report the information as (3), (4), …

                                in the space below or on the reverse side of this sheet.


c.         post-master's                _____yes         _____no


d.         doctoral                        _____yes         _____no



8.         Does your school require a residency on your home campus in the following programs   and, if so, how many hours?


a.         undergraduate               _____yes         _____no          _____hrs.


b.                  master’s4

(1)        _____yes         _____no          _____hrs.

(2)        _____yes         _____no          _____hrs.


4  If your school offers more than 2 master's programs, report the information as (3), (4), …

                                in the space below or on the reverse side of this sheet.


c.         post-master’s               _____yes         _____no          _____hrs.


d.         doctoral                        _____yes         _____no          _____hrs.



9.         What are the minimum (in months) and maximum (in years) times possible for the completion of your degree program(s)?


                                                                        Minimum                      Maximum


a.         master’s5

(1)        _____months               _____years

(2)        _____months               _____years


5  If your school offers more than 2 master's programs, report the information as (3), (4), …

                                in the space below or on the reverse side of this sheet.


b.         post-master’s               _____months               _____years


c.         doctoral                        _____months               _____years


10.              Question no. 10 used in previous questionnaires has been deleted.


11.       How many hours of required course work must be taken by all students, regardless of declared or eventual specialization, in each of your programs?


a.                   master’s6

(1)                     _____required hours

(2)                     _____required hours


6  If your school offers more than 2 master's programs, report the information as (3), (4), …

                                in the space below or on the reverse side of this sheet.


b.         post-master’s               _____required hours


c.         doctoral                        _____required hours



12.       A.        Are students permitted to exempt any required courses?


a.                   master’s7

(1)        _____yes         _____number of hours  _____no

(2)        _____yes         _____number of hours  _____no


7  If your school offers more than 2 master's programs, report the information as (3), (4), …

                                in the space below or on the reverse side of this sheet.


b.         post-master’s   _____yes         _____number of hours  _____no


c.         doctoral            _____yes         _____number of hours  _____no


            B.         If you permit exemptions, please indicate the basis on which an exemption is granted.  Please check all that apply.


a.         written exam                                         _____


b.         transcript from another school               _____


c.         approval of advisor/instructor                _____


d.         other (please specify)                            _____


            C.        If you permit exemptions, does the student receive credit for them? (i.e., number of hours required for the degree reduced in proportion)


a.         master’s           _____yes         _____no


b.         post-master’s   _____yes         _____no


c.         doctoral            _____yes         _____no



13.       A.        What is the maximum number of hours that a student may transfer from another program into your program.  Exclude exemptions.


a.         undergraduate major     _____hours


b.         master’s8

(1)                    _____hours

(2)                    _____hours


8  If your school offers more than 2 master's programs, report the information as (3), (4), …

                                in the space below or on the reverse side of this sheet.


c.         post-master’s               _____hours


d.         doctoral                        _____hours



B.         Do you permit transfer credit from library/information science education programs that are not ALA accredited?            _____yes         _____no


                        If yes, are there any special circumstances or requirements?





14.       Is a thesis (paper, study) required or an option in your program(s)?  How many credit hours may be earned for the thesis?


a.         master’s9

            (1)        ___none           ___required      ___optional      ___hours

            (2)        ___none           ___required      ___optional      ___hours


9  If your school offers more than 2 master's programs, report the information as (3), (4), …

                                in the space below or on the reverse side of this sheet.


b.         post-master’s   ___none           ___required      ___optional      ___hours


c.         doctoral            ___none           ___required      ___optional      ___hours



15.              Do you offer field work (i.e., supervised work experience for academic credit) as a part of your program(s)?  If yes, please indicate the number of hours which may be earned.


a.         master’s10

            (1)        ___none           ___required      ___optional      ___hours

            (2)        ___none           ___required      ___optional      ___hours


                        10  If your school offers more than 2 master's programs, report the information as (3), (4), …

                                in the space below or on the reverse side of this sheet.


b.         post-master’s   ___none           ___required      ___optional      ___hours


c.         doctoral            ___none           ___required      ___optional      ___hours


            If variable credits are an option, please explain the circumstances:  __________________





16.       Please indicate other special requirements for graduation.


                                                            Comp Exam                   Language                        Other12


a.         master’s11

            (1)        ___yes ___no             ___yes ___no             ___yes ___no

            (2)        ___yes ___no             ___yes ___no             ___yes ___no


11  If your school offers more than 2 master's programs, report the information as (3), (4), …in the space below or on the reverse side of this sheet.


b.         post-master’s   ___yes ___no            ___yes ___no             ___yes ___no


c.         doctoral            ___yes ___no             ___yes ___no             ___yes ___no


12  If you have checked yes for an "other" requirement, please specify below what that requirement is and to which degree(s) it pertains.






            (A dissertation is assumed to be required for all doctoral programs.  If this is not true for your program, please indicate that and what other requirement is put in its place.)





17.              Do you have prerequisites for entering your master's program(s)?  (Please check all that apply)


            Prerequisite                                                                           Master's(1)    Master's(2)13


Library or information-related work experience                            ______            ______


Undergraduate work in library or information science                    ______            ______


Foreign language                                                                          ______            ______


GRE or MAT or TOEFL  (Circle which apply)                            ______            ______


Grade point average (GPA)                                                         ______            ______


Personal interview                                                                        ______            ______


Other (please specify)                                                                  ______            ______


13  If your school offers more than 2 master's programs, report the information as (3), (4), …

by adding additional columns in the margin.



18.       Do you offer courses away from your main/home campus?


            ___no (please go to 19)            ___yes (please complete the chart below)



            A.        For the period between Fall 1999 through Summer 2000, please list each course title and section number offered off-campus or via mail or telecommunications delivery.


Course Title & Section Number

Req'd for Degree?

If yes, which degree?

Media/Service Delivery Mechanism4

Offered by Regular Faculty?

Offered by Adjunct?












































        14  Please use the following category list for the media or service delivery mechanism.  In cases where more than one mechanism is used, use the category that is used most frequently.


Off-Campus           Regular or adjunct faculty-offered course at a location off campus

Internet                  Includes computer conferencing, computer tutorial, electronic mail, WebCT or other

authoring system, and the like.

Mailed Media       Media Material (audio or video cassette or CD/Rom) mailed to student

Multimedia            Combination of two or more media

TV Delivery           Course delivered via television (broadcast, cable, or satellite)

Other                      Please specify



                B.         How were regular faculty compensated for teaching these courses?


a.         within the regular teaching load              _______


b.         as an overload                                                  _______


c.         other compensation (please specify)                  _______



19.       Do you expect to change any aspects of your distance education efforts within the next report period?


                                                ______yes       ______no


            If yes, please indicate what the change is expected to be.





20.       What is the regular teaching load of full-time faculty teaching graduate courses in your department?  Indicate courses in semester, trimester, or quarter credit hours. Circle the appropriate unit.


a.         _____credit hours teaching per academic year (except summer)


b.         _____credit hours in summer session


_____required to teach     _____optional to teach


c.                   _____maximum credit hours a faculty person may teach as an overload.  If no overload permitted, please indicate 0.


d.                  Is the regular teaching load for full-time faculty teaching undergraduate courses in your department any different?


______yes       ______no        If yes, how does it differ?





21.       A.        How many courses were listed in your catalog during the last report period?      _____


            B.         What percent of those courses were taught at least once during the last report period?    _____%



22.       How many of the required and elective courses taught on your home campus were taught by regular faculty and how many of them were taught by adjunct faculty?


                                                                                      Required                      Elective

                                                                                      Courses                        Courses


a.         regular full-time faculty              _________                  _________


b.         adjunct faculty                          _________                  _________


c.         other (please specify)                _________                  _________



23.              Question no. 23 used in previous questionnaires has been deleted


24.       A.        To what extent are courses in your catalog cross-listed with other departments

with the major teaching responsibility carried out by your department?


Course(s) by Title                                 Other Departments


________________________            ________________________


________________________            ________________________


________________________            ________________________


            B.         To what extent are courses in other departments cross-listed with your catalog with the major teaching responsibility carried out by the other department(s)?


Course(s) by Title                                 Other Departments


________________________            ________________________


________________________            ________________________


________________________            ________________________



25.       Please indicate curriculum changes made within your program during the period from the Fall of 1998 through the Summer of 1999.


a.                   new courses added (Indicate titles below and reason for adding)











b.                  courses dropped (Indicate titles below and reason for dropping)











c.                   new program(s) added (indicate the title(s) and degree below)







d.                  Did you do total curriculum review of any program(s) (Indicate name of program)





e.                   Did you do a total curriculum revision of any degree(s) (Indicate name of degree)





f.          Were there specific areas within the curriculum reviewed? (specify below)





g.         Were there specific areas within the curriculum revised? (specify below)





h.         Were there any courses taught on an experimental or trial basis? (specify below)









i.          Were there other changes?  (specify below)





26.       Do you have a standing curriculum committee within your school?


                        _____yes (please complete A and B)         _____no (please go to B)


            A.        Please indicate the composition of your committee (check all that apply)


                        faculty  _____              staff (specify)_____                  students_____


                        alumni   _____              practitioners_____                    other (specify)_____



            B.         Was anyone given released time or other compensation for curriculum committee or curriculum revision activities during the last report period?


                        _____yes         rank or position of person ______________________


                                                % of time or compensation _____________________




27.       Are there curriculum changes under serious/active consideration?


            _____no          _____yes (please specify and comment briefly on the change)


_____a.           changes in core/required courses (specify)




_____b.           adding a sixth-year or post-master’s program


_____c.           adding a doctoral program


_____d.           changing the length of a master’s program (specify)                   




_____e.           adding a second (or third) master's program (specify)




_____f.            joint master’s program (specify area/department)


_____g.            other changes (specify)


`                       ______________________________________